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- Single Notarized signature for general notary work is $30, it includes travel fee in service area.


 - If I need to notarize more then one document, there is an additional $20 per signature. If travel is outside of service area there will be an additional $1.00 per round trip mile.

- For loan signings, I will negotiate a reasonable flat fee that is fair to all parties but takes into account mileage, fax backs, number of packages printed, approximate size of loan package, number of signers, etc.



I am happy to assist you with all your Notary Needs. 
Exceptions: Government Certificates,  Faxed and Copied Signature, Original Photos.

All Documents must be filled out prior to my arrival, but they are to be signed in front of me.


All signers must have a current Government ID with a Photo, Signature, Identification Number, and Physical description. (ie: US, Canadian, Mexican Drivers License, US Passport,  Military ID, Government Employee ID, Inmate ID)

No PERSONAL ID ????  2 Credible Witnesses are acceptable with current ID, personally know the signer, cannot be named in the document and cannot have financial interest in the document

Travel Plan by Inman

With the Travel Plan by Inman, if a participant dies 75 miles or more away from home the cost of transporting them home is covered.

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